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  • Starting a New Business
    THANK YOU for the advice and ideas you offered when I was starting my new business. Making sure I was working with the right people, at the right time, was key in my ability to transition out of my corporate job into business ownership. You took the time listen to my plan and offer additional things to think about after seeking advice from my Attorney and Accountant. Having Corporate Minutes, Inc. in my corner tracking my renewals is also an invaluable service - Thank you!
  • Registered Agent Services – No Missed Deadlines
    One of the most commonly unmet requirements is keeping R/A information current with the state. This will result in missed filings, and possibly DISSOLUTION of your legal entity — Why take that risk?!?! - MICHAEL
  • Accountants, CPAs and Financial Services Firms!"
    CPAs, Accountants and Financial Service firms have found a service organization that provides the level of personalized service and client communication they can trust! - BRUCE J.
  • Loan Processing Made Easy
    Applying for or renewing a business loan is something that should be as easy as 1-2-3! However, missed details can cause a hiccup and delay the process. Having everything in its place and ready to produce when needed is a wonderful thing! “We went to verify our client was in Good Standing, with the State who showed he had not filed and was “not in good standing”. Unfortunately my client assumed his accountant or attorney had handled this. Realizing we needed this done immediately, I thought of Corporate Minutes, Inc. I was so impressed…you were able to rectify the situation and, by the time I returned from lunch, I had proof my client’s issue was resolved. We were able to process his loan request and my customer was very pleased! I will continue to recommend you and your firm to my associates and clients.
  • Business Certification – It’s in the Details!
    Getting your Women/ Minority-Owned Certification Application approved is not a Quick N’ Easy process. It can go very smoothly however with proper documentation and planning. Without the help of Corporate Minutes, Inc., it is unlikely we would have been able to obtain our WBE Certification. We worked for two years inaccurately completing the application, gathering incorrect information and struggling to meet the various deadlines. Continuing on our own would have disqualified us altogether. Only with the help of Corporate Minutes, Inc. were we able to understand the nuances and submit information in a thorough and timely fashion. This is what truly allowed us to earn the WBE. Corporate Minutes, Inc. has been an invaluable resource to our corporation.
  • Compliance with Peace of Mind
    Why bother TRYING to keep up with the deadlines of ALL the states in which you operate? Outsourcing the responsibility to a highly dependable and knowledgeable firm can make all the difference — especially in your bottom line!
  • Operate your business without frustration
    Startnig a new business can be a confusing and frustrating experience IF you don’t hire the right people to take care of all the details! Corporate Minutes, Inc. pointed me in the right direction so I could work with a professional for each area of my business.
  • From Finish!
    Being aware of all the “gotchas” is almost impossible when running a business. It can be even more involved when trying to properly maintain your corporate records and then having to find what you need when you need it - Don't try and do it on your own!
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